To celebrate 10 years of bullshitting here
about everything and nothing,
I chose 10 magic moments
from over 1000 posts I've made
(including videos, music and quotes)
since February 2009.
So relax, sit back, smoke a joint,
drink a beer and enjoy the ride...
#1 WINTER 2009

of great winter when UNIKRON distribution
was born. It was the best time ever.
I met with two young businessmen
(you can see them on the photo below)
and they gave me a job.
I was like a fucking Raoul Duke
in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...
And I truly miss:

adventures with Slavo and Szczypikao,

going up the country with bunch of friends,

snowboarding with random hijinx,

bloody hammer,

real man's bed,

bomb dropping and much more...
We are dinosaurs!! Did we survive
or maybe we've been exterminated
by time and life... (??)
"All those... moments will be lost...
in time... like... tears... in rain.
Time... to die."
- Roy Batty

On the board:
Me, Jejor as Taxi Driver
Skira and Zelo on the back seat
Just perfect holidays.
All four Pieces Of Shit Cake
in one place. It was our last vacation
we spent together...
#3 PIKOLINO, 1st of July, 2011
This is our...
The Legend, the myth, the nightmare
from Male Zywczanskie street.
This strange evening changed the game
forever. And we are gonna take
this secret to the grave!!
was always my favorite sport
perfect conditions on the slope
and the best soldiers
from Z-town in one place.
Next day I made this edit in about 15 minutes.
I've just heard the song and boom!!
I knew everything. Love the video
and much love for Mama Cass Elliot!!
Yep, it was a big fucking step
in my life, no doubt...
I didn't want that, but I guess she did...

Facade renovation of Stortinget building
- Parliament of Norway

I worked there for few months with nice guys,
but only one became my real friend.
And one day, after very traumatic situation
I will call to my new fella
to ask about a place to stay...
Halfway through, so time for:
I needed to add something funny
and ridiculous on the blog.
Permanent segment
to fill the breaks between posting.
The first "Random Hero"
appeared on March 11, 2009
Most of them are bike crashes and fails...
but skateboarders are also very welcome...
and Magic Crackheads!!
Alright, alright lets get back on the track...
#6 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,
1st of October, 2014
I made a call and after small talk
I joined to the infamous,
mysterious place - SYKEHUS.
and I was fucking scared as hell.
My first thought: Is he going to eat me??
My life was upside down
- literally and metaphorically

simply makes you…stranger."
- Joker
January - July 2015
I found silence, emptiness,
peace of mind and money...
Best project ever. I could work
in the tunnels all my freaking life.
No family, no friends, no feelings...
just pure timeless darkness.
"Oslo aka Tigerstaden ("The Tiger City").
The name was probably first used
by Norwegian poet Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson.
His poem "Sidste Sang" from 1870 describes
a fight between a horse and a tiger;
the tiger representing the dangerous city
and the horse the safe countryside.
When Oslo celebrated its 1000-year
anniversary in 2000, Eiendomsspar wanted
to give the city a gift. Oslo wanted a tiger,
and that's what they got:
a 4.5 meter bronze tiger
made by Elena Engelsen."
Who's seen The Tiger??
Skira and Juri
Jano Oregano
Sanders, Doma, Gypsies and Kupson

Techramps Crew
Kate and Gregor


I've ever hosted, this beautiful army
of girls is my favorite one.

Mix of craziness, elegancy
and spontaneity.
That's the recipe for

October 8, 2016

aka my never ending story...
Mu budget was unlimited.
I wanted pizza's boxes
(thank you Slavo for amazing graphic),
tie-dye T-shirts (thank you Doma),
stickers, fucking matches,
SC wristbands, mugs...

Everything for free, for my lovely homies

All money raised from ticket sales
went straight to Gregor.
Support your local bum!!
#10 SUMMER 2017

July 13 - madness started from
the bungee jump to celebrate
Skira's 30th birthday.

After the party we hit the road,
destination: Red Smoke Festival
camp site
charming place around
acid test graduation...
We stole the tank
to continue our secret mission
target: land on the beach,
find and neutralize enemy
I was waiting seven long years
to spend vacation like that.
Careless days with my boys,
thats all I needed.
Ulalaa that was a long, strange trip.
I just wanna say: thank you for being
here and reading this. Maybe I know you
or maybe not but it doesn't matter.
Make your own kind of "Shit Cake"...
end of transmission